
Cham script appeared in 4th century on stone stele in Tra Kieu Vietnam. It was considered as the first language in South East Asia. Due to many social and historical reasons, Cham language is faced with the risk of deformation. In this research, we found that Cham grammar structure is still unclear for the Vietnamese Cham machine translation. Hence, in order to preserve Cham language, we propose a Pattern-based model to translate Vietnamese into Cham language with the size of the bilingual dictionary is approximately 4,500 sentences, bilingual corpus 2500 pairs of Vietnam Cham sentence, 1950 pairs of translation sample, 324 function words, 768 vocabulary, 57 prepositions, and all are stored in text file. Initially is tested based on the basis of bilingual corpus, bilingual dictionaries and translation sample with limited resources, the results achieved were relatively satisfying and high quality if the input sentence matches the translation pattern and this translation pattern is corre


Active learning has attracted strong advocates among faculty looking for alternatives to traditional teaching methods. Project-based learning has been recently introduced as an add-on teaching method in some countries. In Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Project-Based learning has been introduced as part of the curriculum to inculcate entrepreneurial thinking skills. This paper discusses the feedback on students’ perceptions regarding the implementation of project-based learning. The findings of the paper show that most students have positive perception of using Project-based learning as a teaching method and agree to learn using the same method in the future. Learners also highly appreciated that project-based learning promoted their soft-skills, includes of Teamwork; Project Management; Communication Skills, Interpersonal Skills. The results of the study did not show any significant differences in perceptions between male and female students in using Project-based learning in the tra


Đối với mỗi dân tộc, ngôn ngữ là di sản văn hóa, là phương tiện truyền đạt kinh nghiệm, tri thức. Ở Việt Nam, ngôn ngữ của 54 dân tộc hình thành và phát triển theo quá trình thăng trầm của lịch sử. Có những ngôn ngữ phát triển rất mạnh và trở thành tiếng phổ thông, tiêu biểu có tiếng Việt. Các ngôn ngữ còn lại đã và đang sử dụng trong cộng đồng trở thành ngôn ngữ thiểu số và đứng trước nguy cơ thách thức. Bài viết giới thiệu một số ứng dụng công nghệ thông tin trong việc bảo tồn di sản ngôn ngữ Chăm và các dân tộc thiểu số ở Tây Nguyên qua Website; từ điển điện tử online; dạy ngôn ngữ online, font và bộ gõ tiếng Chăm,… Hướng ứng dụng CNTT để bảo tồn, phát triển ngôn ngữ Chăm và ngôn ngữ các dân tộc thiểu số Tây Nguyên sẽ còn một hướng mở để bảo tồn, phát triển ngôn ngữ các dân tộc trong quá hội nhập như hiện nay.


Indigenous languages are necessary and important for the indigenous people. Nowadays, these languages are considered more important as globalization has affected and threatens the existence of minority languages in the worldwide. Cham language is the indigenous language in Vietnam but now it becomes the minority language. However, the Cham script was appeared in the 2nd century, and the Cham language was appeared in 4th century on stone stele in Tra Kieu. It was considered as the first language in South East Asia. Due to many reasons and influenced by history, the Cham language is facing endangered and they are at risk of deformation for various reasons.


Cham ethnic minority in Vietnam today is citizen of ancient Champa kingdom which existed from the 2nd to the 18th century in the South Central region and wiped out from the world map due to the expand of Vietnam. Champa had ever a brilliant civilization in the past and it was known as the most famous architectural tower system that has been remained up to now. Next, the Cham stone statues with sculpture art have reached a climax and Cham script writing system formed from the 4th century and the standardized completely, called as Cham Akhar Thrah in the 16th century by the King of Po Rome.


The Role of Education in Solving the Conflict of Indigenous Heritage Preservation


Every own language of ethnic groups is formed and developed for a long time in historical process. Language is a unique symbol of the nation, it is also cultural identity and cultural heritage, and its purpose transfers the experience and knowledge from old generations to the next generation. Indigenous languages conservation issues in the world have been becoming knock the alarm when there have about 2,500 languages in approximate 6,900 languages which are being used around in the world, that are in endangered of disappearing. In the world, India is the top of the list of countries where have many endangered languages when most of 196 endangered languages are counted in this country. In Vietnam, there have 54 different ethnic languages which are formed and developed during ups and downs of historical process. Some of them are well developed language and become popular, such as Vietnamese language. The others have been used in the community to become minority languages.